Maximizing The Harvest – Part 1 Seeing The Harvest Rightly

THEME:                 The Harvest

STUDY TEXT:       John 4:34-36

MINISTERING:    Brother Oluseun Oloruntowoju


God has commanded us to work in His field, the world, to produce a great harvest of people brought into His kingdom. He said the harvest is plenteous, but what does it take for us to have a bounteous harvest? It starts with you seeing rightly. Jesus saw the multitudes as harvest, (Matthew 9:35-37) and He urges us to lift our eyes and see men the same way (John 4:35) We can only be truly motivated if we begin to see men as living souls to be harvested and not as ‘trees’ to be stepped on or neglected. Mark 8:23-25


1.         It will fill your heart with compassion for the lost. Matthew 9:36

2.         It is what will motivate you into sustained action. Acts 19:9,12

3.         If you see right God hastens to confirm it. Jeremiah 1:11,12

4.         As far as you can see God empowers you to accomplish. Genesis 13:14-16, Psalm 2:8


1.         We must envision the harvest

i.          Open your eyes: Disciples could not see it. Pressing needs blinded them from the great thing


ii.         Vision is crucial: Without it, we perish. (Proverbs 29:18). In the natural, it is our eyes. (Matthew 6:22-23). In the spiritual, we have to see beyond what we are seeing. John 4:35

iii.        See the various fields around you. Football fields in the day and beer parlours in the night.

iv.        See the end of the unsaved.

v.         See the needs of people around you.

2.         See seeds in every fruit you bear. See a church in every soul you can win, or you target to win. Every soul you win is the key to hundreds of others. John 4: 28-30.

•           The Samaritan woman was the key to her city. She got so excited about being saved that she left her water pot. The excitement of a new convert is the key to evangelism.

•           The Ethiopian eunuch preached to his nation, the maniac of Gadara preached to ten cities and Cornelius and the jailer led their households to Christ. Behind every new convert is a host of relationships.

3.         See a church in every area. See light in every area of darkness. When we look at a plot of land, what do we see? Dirt? Rocks? Weeds? Work? Obstacles? A farmer looks at that same plot of land and envision something quite different. He envisions a field filled with grain other crop ripe and ready for harvest. He sees the potential of the field.


Wherever you go is a mission field. Wherever there are lost people is the mission field. And as a church and as individuals, we must VISUALIZE. We must look around and see the lost people everywhere we go. And we muss see the devastating condemnation that awaits them if they die lost in their sins.

Evangelism does not have to he an organized church “program” …But evangelism MUST be intentional!

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